Posted in Day by Day

Just saw King Speech Movies

Just saw that movies…


a king that got stammered, trying to be good speaker as everyone wanted as a king. Just realize, this film has to bring you more spirit when u cant do anything, is not that you cant do it, but you can do it in another way. Not in formal way, but its efficient to do. in 40 minutes logue can turn stammered king into a great speech to face the war.

Boring if you dont like the drama, but quite good story. who’s with me?:-D

4 thoughts on “Just saw King Speech Movies

  1. “…when u can’t do anything, is not that you can do it, but you can do it in another way.”
    hmmm, mksd nya gini kali:
    “…when u can’t do anything, is not that you can’t do it, but you can do it in another way.”
    maap ya kalo salah, heheh 😀

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